Anouk Aoki

The Dub-Dub


In the crowded club, the universe buckles. It’s not enough for anyone to notice, but you can see the stars dip in the glossy lenses of her eyes. It was the dub-dub of the music. One of the larger planets lost its place when it felt the rhythm. She did, too. Was it when she batted? Blinked? Most things might find the repercussions of her nervous system to be too much. Even the Milky Way faltered. With all the roaring and twisting going on in the club, who will notice? The planets all line up at her silky feet and ask her if she would waltz them to the tides. Her palms are coated in words; many of them almost rhyme. She could be a poem with a hemline and décolletage. Every color is carved into her skin. She is a universe. She holds the moons and the bits of rock and a thousand stars that are slowly dying. Each one dwindles and disappears. They whisper her name. But the voices of the stars all die in outer space. She must read their lips. They promise her that they will remember her, but she sees each one demoralize her. Her hands reach out to the blackness of it all, and with her fingers spread she can almost touch the earth.


She wasted a day waiting on the judge, hoping he’d give her a restraining order against her abuser. Her past. It was stalking her. It made inappropriate comments. She would turn around and find her past standing there, staring at her. It was uncomfortable. They had separated, but the past wouldn't leave her alone. She told this to the judge, but he wasn't sympathetic. His eyes were wet because he was old. She thought he was being held up by metal bars or wires or something else unnatural. Not by his own power. His collapse seemed certain. The courtroom was quiet as she spoke. There was some snickering at first, but there were also those who understood her. They wanted her to win. These people wished they had thought to do this. One look around the courtroom showed that the past was nowhere to be seen. The judge could have issued the order without the past being present, but he was reluctant. He spoke for only a few moments. He said, "young, lady I do not believe the past can be a threat of physical violence or can act violently against you. These are the requirements for an order of protection." Her eyes didn't blink. They couldn’t be cracked. She wanted him to see that she was serious. "The past has harmed me physically, your honor. I've been assaulted. I have bruises to show you, but it would require you to get to know me… in your chambers. We don't have that kind of time. But there are scars all over me that the past has carved into my skin. He has shouted at me so loudly that I have felt all the atoms of my body shake and separate. His hands have been everywhere. He's like some terrible shadow spider. I don't know how many limbs he has, but I have been trapped in his gossamer for quite some time. There is no “time” with him. Everything is the present because when he is standing there in my living room staring at me, all of my sins are present. They inhabit the room. They are a committee of jurors who judge me the way you are now, your honor. Only they are not merciful. They are not guided by law. They say all the things that I don't want them to say. I can't close my ears because they're in my head. And I can't numb my mind because they're in my heart. If I get drunk, it only allows them greater access. All the doors and windows are suddenly open because I'm not there to keep them closed. Do you understand your honor? The past is stalking me. He is a threat. I can feel him slowly killing me. There are things that I keep deep inside, but he hints to me that he is there. Terrible things that have happened to me that weren't my fault. Terrible things that I have done that were my fault. And he has an inventory. In a moment he can force me see it all. He can make me feel it all. This hurts, your honor. It’s injury. It’s violence. Your honor, surely you must understand." The judge must have known her pain because of the pain of his own past. Everyone in the courtroom now understood. There was nodding. There was quiet support for what she was saying. Nobody was snickering now. There were even some muffled sobs. The judge choked up. He fingered the gavel that he used as a way of marking the difference between the past and the future. Because when he hammered the gavel, people faced their fate. Their lives would never be the same. But he could not do it to her. He could not bring himself to end her pain. Instead he hummed a tune. It was an old song he had learned as a boy. It was one his mother would sing to him when his past was getting to be too much for him. He filled the chamber with his voice, singing the song that eased his pain when it gripped him, and he lulled half the courtroom into a deep sleep.


It's better to be a festival than a funeral. Because a festival it doesn't care how sad you are. There's music. There's food. There's enough joy like a giant parachute that spreads out across the crowd. If you are standing close enough to the happy people, it might look like you're happy, too. But if I go to a funeral, I feel more at ease. I am not the worst one there. Somebody else is sadder than I am. And that's a relief. Even if it’s someone I love in the casket, I know someone there loved the dead more. But at a festival it's possible that I could be the worst one there. The only thing is I don't look like I'm the worst one there. I get treated like I'm special. I don't know what I do to deserve that. I'm not stupid though. I can see. If you chop the crowd up into pieces and you separate the pieces that look the best, I know I'm going to be in the smallest pile . Alternatively, if you chopped us up based on how we feel, I would be in the section that you would push down the gutter with a giant broom. Because I feel lousy. I know the pain of singing in a crowd. I know how much it hurts to walk into the fog of a smile that blurs. You can't see me. I'm too pretty to see. You can't get past that, can you? Look at me now. You can see me. I'm pretty. I'm fascinating. I'm enchanting. Say it all. It's been said. But what about the truth? There’s a coil of hate that lives inside of me like some important metal part to a machine that no one knows how to use. Because I don't think anyone knows how to use me. I feel as obsolete as astrology or a world war. Who knows where I come from? Who knows what I do? Who even pays attention to me at all? Everybody enjoys a sunny day, but the sun is a violent mess. It's a horrible creature that would murder anyone and anything that came within three miles. I'm not going to kill anyone. I don't have it in me to be violent. But don't get too close. That is one red hot threat I can mimic. It's not that I'll hurt you. But I'm contagious. I am a pandemic of one. And if you get too close to me, you’ll inhale me. I'll corrupt you. I'll break you. I'll turn you into something that doubts. I'll turn you into a crutch. I promise. You'll be the envy of every eye as you walk around with me on your arm, but it'll be hard for you to smile considering how much weight you're carrying. All of me. And I know I don't seem like I weigh much, but trust me the metal coil is a ton. The pounds are not what should be your focus. Look at the years. I've had enough of them. Look at the years and notice how long mine are. Longer than most. I'm at the point now where I don't think I can finish my years. I might have to cut them off. And you who were so enamored with me and the sunshine of my skin have now discovered that my helium has merged with my hydrogen, and my fuckable fusion will kill you.

A Cha-cha of


He didn't really knock. It seemed like he was simply licking the front door. It was hard to tell what noise he was making, but it certainly wasn't knocking. The only knocking she heard was her heart bouncing around inside of her. It had become detached days ago when she first met him. He was a hurricane that went straight through her. He shook her bones and unlatched her tendons so that she had completely come apart. She wasn't new to hurricanes, but this was the first time that it was so personal. There had been no warnings from the weathermen. He just walked into her. Straight through her. He never gave her his name. Somehow he learned where she lived, and he invited himself to her home. He had to. She was mute. Her eyes couldn't widen more, but when they did he stepped into them. Now all she could see was him. Like wearing novelty sunglasses with his face printed on the lenses, everywhere she looked for the next two days she saw him.

For him, she reminded him that he had been raised in the woods by wolves. Not really. But he was an animal in many ways. His heart had been caught in a trap many years earlier. Yet as he slouched toward her home, he heard the tinkling of his once lost heart suddenly appearing as if it had never been lost at all. It was rusty like the nails you find in the door that has been torn from its hinges. Something that had once been so useful was now absolutely vain. Still, there it was again. The heart. Moving his blood around inside of him. Keeping time as he picked up the pace. Where was he going? Her home? Why was he in a hurry to go to her? Maybe it wasn't about home. Maybe he was in a hurry because he had seen something that was more like home than any home where he had lived. Too much for him to think. When he got to her door, he did lick it. He admitted that to her later. He wanted to see if he could make the slightest noise and still get her attention. And he did. She thought about what it would be like if he were to lick her instead of the door. He was impressed that she had survived his hurricane. Both of their hearts fumbled to keep some kind of rhythm, but eventually they found one. All night long they were pressed together. The two of them did not want to separate because they did not want their hearts to fall out. They stayed together all night, forcing their chests together so that their hearts could dance. That's what their hearts did. A cha cha.  A rumba. A waltz.

No One is


I can't get clean. I scrub with soap and stand in the shower for hours. Does my grandmother feel this way? Is this womanhood? She seems rather happy when she's making bread or driving to the grocery store. Does her skin feel like it’s peeling off her bones? She sits in her chair with a sour look, and my grandfather puts his knuckles on the chair’s arms and leans in to kiss her. He tells her he loves her and he's sorry. He's always telling her he's sorry. Why? Maybe it was a leftover from some sin of their youth. Whatever it is, he seems sincere now. What on earth did he ever do wrong?

I wish I lived in a town with a river. I wish there was something near me where I could go and clean myself in some ceremonial way. I have no interest in being baptized except that I like the idea of a stranger dunking me into the water and telling me that my soul has been cleansed. I can go to heaven. It's funny because everybody likes to look at me. They love my skin. They love when I am wearing next to nothing. It makes my sins seem so obvious. My dirty spots are different colors. Beautiful maybe, but still when you realize what each color represents you might not think so. This shade of brown or that tint of yellow come from mistakes I've made that I can't seem to scrub off of me.

Someone once told me that everyone makes mistakes. I agree. Humans are filthy. All I can think about when I think about my grandmother is that somewhere along the way she realized she was dirty. But I can’t get used to myself. Once upon a time I was wonderful. I was a child. I couldn't get enough of me. I could sit alone in my bedroom and just breathe myself in. I can't do that now. If I fill my lungs with me,  I get sick. I'm not afraid to admit that I am repulsed by my grandmother because I don't want to be like her. Maybe she needs my grandfather’s penance because he’s the one who marked her. I can’t accept life that way. I want to smell good. I want to be clean. Besides, the man who doodled his sins on me is gone. There was no matrimony. He’ll never kiss me or apologize. All I’m left with are these endless showers. I want to look shiny again. My grandmother married her offender and now his love is a daily baptism. I wish I could find someone who had a tool to blast the dirt from me. To clean me both inside and out. Is that what Jesus would have done? I don't know. I am not a believer. I wouldn't mind meeting Jesus, however. Could he clean me? I think I'm supposed to clean him. Get down on my hands and knees and clean his feet. Would that be the thing I would have to do to clean my soul? Am I that whore? I don't know. I don't think I'm a whore. Maybe it's not so bad to be filthy. Maybe that's what happened to my grandmother. She just stopped thinking about it. My problem is I have mirrors. I should close my eyes. Maybe that's what my grandmother did. Maybe she just closed her eyes. Maybe she stopped looking, and the reason my grandfather says he's sorry all the time is because he's the one that blinded her. His apologies are whispered to breathe color and shape into her imagination. And her sin is to forgive him. She washes him clean when she kisses him back. And that’s her price for salvation. Maybe she wants to see her filth but she can't. She is erased. Maybe I should be glad that I'm dirty. At least I can still see every last speck of it without an apology or a baptism or a kiss. And if I close my eyes, I can feel myself. I can smell it. I don’t need an apology to remind me that I’ve been wronged. No one is forgiven for their sins but me.

Like a Child

This is not a good place to be. I feel like it's the end of the world. It's dark and dusty and ashy and it smells like smoke. It fills me up. I am covered in it. And my body is broken. My wings are broken. Everything is ruined. And the worst part about it all is the sense that there's nothing left for me to do. I come to this place and this is all that's left. I’m ash. I’m dust. And I don't remember what it was like to be alive. I know it wasn't long ago. I have these flashes of memories of being in the sky. Flying. I could look to my left and right and I could see the wings that would carry me anywhere but always towards the sun. I felt immortal. When I search to see the wings now, I can't move. There are no wings. There's really nothing left of me. The only thing that's moving is my mind because it's trying its best to fill in the blanks. But the blanks are all charred. The blanks are ruined. I wonder where God is. Why has he abandoned me this way?  I know that I was something magnificent, so why am I so absolutely obliterated? How did it happen? How did I wind up in this fire? Why am I burning this way? Because it certainly isn't what I deserve. I can't remember what my life was, but I know that I did nothing to deserve this. Dusty. Left for dead. My thoughts refuse to die though. I’m not sure why. They're supposed to be dead. I should be dead. Is it a cruel trick? Is God this cruel? It's hard to say. I don't want to disparage the man, but this existence is brutal. The one thing that keeps climbing up into my mind is that this is so familiar. I’ve been here before. I’m trying to find some way back into a clear memory of my life, but I can't get there. Had I fought with death in the past? Was I injured? How was I dead before? Am I  dead now? My emotions clearly are not dead because inside of me comes the rustling of anger. Maybe that is the fire because it feels like fire. Maybe I had been burnt alive by my own anger. That would make sense because the anger is hot inside of me. Maybe it is a shroud. My anger is a shell that wraps me in swaddling that carries me into my grave. The shroud squeezes me. Heals me. There are parts of me that I remember now. The stillness lets my mind unlock. My wings. My talons. They are coming back. I can see myself flying high in the sky and feel the wind on my face. I can cry. I feel the cry swelling inside of me. And then, just then, it comes out of me like a siren. Like a child. I give birth to the cry and it empties from me. The swaddling gets tighter. And before I know it, I am strong enough to rip my way out of the swaddling. I can see the beautiful red wings that had been there in the past. They are on fire, but they are not consuming me. I am the fire. It gives me strength. My eyes swallow the sky. Every cloud and every star all fall into me. As my wings stretch for what seems like a hundred miles on each side, I begin that familiar act of flapping them. I am skyward. I am in the air. I am electric and on fire. I am reborn. I am the Phoenix. The process has repeated. Another 500 years ahead of me. I remember. The sun is my God. I can forgive him. I understand that I have to forget in order to heal. I have to give up everything in order to be born again. It is an act of faith. And even though it is anger that awakened me, the anger is me. It comes to me. For all the pain I endured, I am the end and beginning all over again. I can fly so sweetly into the shadows of heaven and Earth because there’s no shadow so dark that I can’t ignite it with my existence.

Author: Derek Letsch

Artist: Anouk Aoki


Anouk Aoki 切ない iʞoA ʞuoᴎA - Artist • ᶜᵒⁿᵗʳᵒˡˡᵉᵈ ᶜʰᵃᵒˢ • Assistant CEO of German Music Council • 𝘽𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙚 • Drummer • Dancer • Composer • Art enthusiast • 🇫🇷🇰🇷 • 七転び八起き• Metal