

I have tied you up. I have bound you. You are still. Don't talk. I don't see your face. You're naked, but I am not looking. It's all there for me, but for now you will be still. The blood flowing through you should stop. The air is not filling your lungs. You won’t move. I have seen to that. There are no ropes. It's not me. It's the camera. You are inside the camera. There is no other way. You are here. If you were breathing. If your heart was beating. There is no other way. And you live on the inside better than you could if you were breathing. You are someplace else, as well. You are dressed, eating dinner. You are picking up a fork. You are warming your wine with your hands. And you are here. You don’t blink. You don’t move. I move. I am restless. I eat my dinner with your obedience, gray and gold, in front of me, glowing, waiting for me to strike. I hold you down. By force or by art. The light spreads so perfectly across you. It is all the same. Everything is exactly the same. Your skin. The shadow. I empty my camera and watch you twist perfectly into the thing I have always wanted you to be.


Come down. Come down. I can see you on the stairs there somewhat unsure. I am down. The light is down. My voice is the light. I am a string that I have tied around you, and I want you to come down. I tug. I pull. Be down here with me. I am here hidden down here in the light. But you won't walk the seven stairs. Your feet are naked. Your arms are naked. Let me be a blanket. Let me wrap you in the golden glow of my yellow light. Take the steps to meet me. Let me shine. Let me show my smile. I can fill the basement with light. You stand in the middle, seven steps either way. Upstairs there’s only shadow. Maybe you don’t need a blanket. Maybe you need a dark kiss.


I am a spider. I can spin a web of sentences. I can cover you. You will be my passenger. You will be my guest. I will save you. It doesn't matter how hungry I am for you, I will starve for you. I will send my sentences out through space and time, and I will wrap you in meaning. I speak my desire for you, and my desire for you becomes a stone. It is the thing that cages you. The cell is a wound. It binds itself to your body. The muscles in your body will become the servants of my words. I am spinning words as fast as I can. I am twisting and turning and carving and crafting words. Every word made of each and every letter. I am going to use them to free you. I will write you into me. And if I travel from town to town playing the lyre for the peasants and the generals, I will take you with me. I will keep you in the gossamer. The threads are like strings that my fingers pluck and strum.

The Circuit

and the Source

She is a cable. She is a conductor. She brings electricity from one end to the other. All she needs to do is have contact and her power spreads. I can see it. It's not what you think. It is not about the muscles that she uses when we dance. It is not about the way her legs wrap around me when we sleep. No. It is about the touch. It is about the fingers that connect. The universe comes alive and the circuit is complete. She is the circuit and the the source. She is the sun. Her heat is dangerous. I must be in love. You have to love something to let it hurt you. You sing. Two people. A duet. But it's a song that comes with so many risks. Because if you wet your lips, the charge could kill you. Just your lifeless body and the memory of love. And some might say the memory of love is enough, but it's not. It's never enough. You want the charge. You want the shock of love. You want her fingers to touch you the way they touch any surface so that you can feel love power through you. And then you will never be alive again. You will never be able to breathe again because this is what it's actually like to be alive. You have made love to a star. It will outrun your blood. It will out-beat your heart. You won't ever want to be human again. You have made love to a star, and she has incinerated you. Don't you wonder what it would be like if she had used the palm of her hand? Or kissed your lips? These are the questions you might ask yourself as you feel the lights dim and the windows tremble. The circuit is dead like a star that no longer knows how to twinkle.

More Scars

Than Skin

She's never asked you to feel sorry for her. In fact she tells you it wasn't heartache. An aching heart is one thing, but a heart that's been cut is something else. And her heart was slashed. It was a dull knife, and it took a long time to cut her. But she was cut. She has more scars than skin, but she doesn't want pity. In fact she might turn violent. She can cut, too. She holds on to her trauma like a handle. Because it's hers. It's what she has. And without ever admitting it, she likes it. She has sweet feelings about the terrible things that happened to her. They are unmentionable. Yes. They are inhuman. But they belong to her. She has lived with them for so long. Somebody sensible might say, “let's strip them from you. Let's take them. They are things that you should not covet.” But she says no. She says they are the things she fingers when she’s alone in the dark under the covers “with my hands where they shouldn't be. I think about the things that were done to me that were mine. They are the things that I know. And they happen so often that how am I supposed to let them go? How am I supposed reject the pleasure when for so long that's all that I was offered? I was given no pleasure. This was the definition that he gave me. And now you ask me to use the dictionary because what I think is pleasure is not? Well I have one thing to tell you,” she says. “My pleasure is mine. And no one has to know about it. I will let myself have it. Even though it means that I have to sit in the tub with my attacker. I will not correct myself. I will let the word stay turned upside down. How can I ever understand? How can I ever understand what has happened to me? No one can. He defined pleasure for me, and I will not correct that sick son-of-a-bitch.” She paused and her eyes turned so small. “It’s all I have left of him.”

The Edge of

My Skin

I can tell the world a few things that would make it blush. I can show you what I know, and those with eyes will turn away. I know there's not much space for me in this world. I don't need much space. I don't care if the world sees me. I just want to be curled into the shadows, and I want the shadows to become me. I do not need anyone to coo or hum at me with approval. No. Leave the tent. Back away from the exhibit. I am here like any freak, and I do not care what you think. This is not a show. I am not trying to entertain you or to teach you or make you drop your pants. You might do all three of these things, but that’s not me. I am bent and curled and hidden because that's how I want to be. Someone stretches out his arms or legs and runs around and around. A race. I do not want to race. I want to erase. I want to stop my existence everywhere I can. And even though I do not want to disappear, I want to disappear from you. I want to become only the space that I have because that is all there is for me. In this space that I take I know that it is mine. And in that sense I am free. And even though I look like I am deep inside an oyster shell, I am not connected. I am not attached to the world or to the eyes. I am not collecting the money. I did not advertise this show. I am here inside the cage because no one cares if I'm inside a cage. My freedom begins and ends at the edge of my skin. And inside of that, I have no shame or fear or illusions.

Author: Derek Letsch

Artist: TempoFulgur


Photographe d'intérieur